¿ Why Ensambles ?
The ensambles in Oaxaca have been done for several years in Oaxaca due to their scarcity that caused the use of the mature agave species that were available at that time. Tribal Mezcal is the perfection of those artisanal ensembles that is born from the craft hand of the maestros mezcaleros, the passion of a chef and the master distiller.
With the fast growth of the mezcal industry, finding ways to protect the supply and biodiversity of the raw material is becoming increasingly important. That is why we decided to produce mostly Ensambles (blends) featuring our favorite wild agaves: Tobala, Tepeztate, Cuishe and Madre Cuishe. Our mezcales are blends of harvested and wild agaves, decreasing the pressure on the rare and sometimes endangered species.
Our Artisanal Mezcal Ensambles
Ensambling Tradition & Art & Cience

Andrea Serra
Andrea is partner of Grupo Tribal company behind casta Tribal mezcal.
Studied in San Francisco Culinary academy back in 2003, came back to Guadalajara her city to work in the field.
Training many chefs in cuahutemoc culinary academy in Zapopan.
Join Bernardo Gonzalez in 2006, married in 2011 and found grupo tribal in 2014

From the Miahuatlan region of Porfirio Diaz, José is heir to his family’s Mezcal heritage.

Cipriano has his palenque in the Salinas Municipality of Ejutla, on one side a river which gives him fresh water to condense the alcohols of his copper alembics heated by firewood

Bernardo mayored as industrial Engineer and being involved in distillation Industry since 1998. In love with Agave as soon as he were legally able to drink alcohol
Met Andrea Serra in 2006 and start to taste wines and pair with food, found together grupo tribal in 2014.
Actually is the CEO of grupo tribal , together with Andrea and the maestros mezcaleros develop our ensables.
Actually is mastering an Mexican Gin as well
Agaves for our Artisanal Mezcal
Maguey bicuishe
Agave Cuishe (or Cuixe) is also a wild agave in the Karwinskii family.
It grows in cylindrical, stalk-shaped piña, with leaves spreading at the top.
It’s often slightly smaller than Madre-cuishe and yields intensely flavored mezcal with high minerality and spice notes.
The growing period is 12 years
Maguey Tepeztate
Agave Tepeztate (Tepextate) is part of the agave Marmorata family and has a very distinct, erratic leaf structure. It produces beautiful quiotes at the end of it’s life that flower a rich yellow before turning to seed.
Tepeztate takes as many as 25 years to mature in the wild, and sustainability efforts are needed in order to keep mezcal production of this agave in the future.